
To further increase your knowledge of the cold chain industry, we provide you with the latest trends, 事实, 和创新.

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总到岸成本 and sustainability

How pharma can save money and be friendlier to the planet

在制药行业, approximately 90% of all carbon emissions are generated in the manufacturing phase. The biggest positive impact on carbon emissions the secure cold chain can have is therefore to ensure that every single dose that is manufactured reaches the patient securely and on time.

Why pharma should spend an hour or two on 总到岸成本

When shipping vaccines or any other temperature-sensitive medical solution, pharmaceutical companies look for partners that ensure high quality, that can simplify the handling process, 并有助于减少二氧化碳排放. While active temperature-controlled solutions meet all those requirements, the general perception is that they are more expensive. That perception sometimes makes pharmaceutical companies choose other, 看似成本更低的替代品, commonly known as passive solutions, not realizing that they are in essence, paying more for an inferior solution.

Different alternatives for temperature-controlled transport

Breakthrough research in various medical fields, 比如基因编辑, stem cell technology and regenerative medicine, has led to an increased demand for temperature-controlled transport. 高端, specialized medicine is often produced in low volumes with no backup stock and thus, delivering these sensitive products safely across the globe has become a mounting logistical challenge. Selecting a secure and reliable logistics solution has accordingly become all the more important.

Defining the best procurement process strategy for pharma logistics

简单点说, procurement is about getting the right products and the right services at the right price. With complex products and services, 然而, the procurement process is more than just buying upfront. 集成, multifaceted systems and services need a strategic approach that is focused on efficiency rather than costs. Temperature-controlled pharmaceutical transport – with its many stakeholders, highly regulated environment and precious products – is precisely such an area that pinpoints the strategic importance of the procurement function. And with the recent development on the market, to procure logistics is not getting any easier.

The keys to succeed with pharma cold chain transportation from Mexico

Mexico has potential for becoming a large exporter of pharmaceuticals, while having an attractive home market for pharmaceutical sales as well. For those who want to take advantage of the rising opportunities in Mexico, there are specific challenges that must be taken into account regarding cold chain transportation of high-quality pharmaceuticals.

Good Reads #6: The changing role of the pharma procurement function

Pharma cold chain logistics is very complex with many stakeholders involved. We all work hard to ensure that pharmaceuticals maintain optimal quality all the way to the patients. At 可以赌足球的app we believe that the best way to reach our common goal is to improve collaboration and mutual understanding across the logistics chain, 我们称之为生态系统思维. Here, we share articles with our network that we think could benefit us all.

Increasing peak season challenges for pharma cold chain

The pharmaceutical industry has for many years been a prioritized customer for the air freight sector, but the increasing volumes of e-commerce have changed the game, 尤其是在旺季. 现在, pharmaceutical companies face the risk of having their products left on the tarmac due to capacity constraints, while handbags and other luxury goods are shipped with higher-yield express delivery instead.

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